Atlantic Sardine, Cat

SPECIFIC® Atlantic Sardine is a complete balanced pet food for cats. This palatable diet containing fresh sardines, covers all the nutritional requirements of cats and contributes to their health.
Ingredients: Fresh sardine, maize, fish meal, maize protein, rice, cellulose powder, pork fat, animal protein hydrolysate, egg powder, yeast, minerals, Antarctic krill, vitamins and trace elements (including chelated trace elements), algae meal, psyllium husk, taurine, Yucca powder. With natural antioxidants (tocopherols and vitamin C). Contains no added artificial colours or flavourings.
Recommended for Daily diet for healthy cats Gluten-free diet for cats with gluten intolerance
Pack size(s): 2kg, 3x2kg, 400g

Contains freshly caught MSC certified sardine as sustainable source of high quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids and contribution to excellent palatability.

High levels of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) from fish, krill and algae. EPA and DHA are both omega-3 fatty acids with beneficial effect on maintenance of healthy skin, coat and joints.

Based on maize and rice as carbohydrate sources, the diet is gluten-free and will therefore be tolerated by cats with gluten allergy or intolerance.

Increased level of fibre promotes the excretion of ingested hairs through the faeces and reduces formation of hairballs.

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